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Meet the Summit Ace Team

Respectful. Accountable. Passionate. Innovative. Driven. Helpful.

Preston Bullock

Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Financial Officer

Preston Bullock grew up in the hardware business. He was the youngest “merchandiser” in the local mom ‘n pop store, Jay's Hardware Inc., that was started by his dad, Jay Bullock, when Preston was two years old.  He remembers at the age of eight picking up trash at the front of the store and as a father today he continues those humble beginnings with his own children.  He graduated from picking up trash to learning various aspects of running the store as a full-time employee when he turned fourteen.


The relationship between him and his dad changed in 2010 when Preston turned 20 years old.  It was then that a great partnership began—father and son working through difficult and flourishing business times together.  Jay Bullock mentored and imparted decades of hardware and business “know how” to his son. Together they built a thriving and growing company.  In 2023 an unplanned change occurred due to the sudden passing of Jay Bullock at which time Preston became the full owner of Jay’s and Summit Ace Hardware stores.


Preston and his wife Carol along with their four children reside in Hartwell, Georgia.  As the company grows and expands, he never wants to lose sight of its humble beginnings.  His desire is to continue the family legacy of the hardware business with hopes that one or all his children will love the industry as much as he does. Preston’s two eldest children have started their trek to learn all aspects of the business even as this biography is being written.  

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